Saturday, June 12, 2010

'Jalan jalan' With Mr Jay

On the 31st of May, three of us, Iskandar (me), Ridzuan and Khairul went 'jalan jalan' with Mr Jay to spend some quality time together with him before his transfer to Melaka (To other JSLC members, don't be jealous, ok... hehe). We went out around 3 in the evening (yeah, we went out after school, so, don't accuse us of skipping school). Mr Jay picked up each one of us in his cute little Myvi at our own houses (wah, so 'rajin').

So, first, we went to a seafood restaurant (so, there was no chicken at all... :((( so sad...) in Gelang Patah. It is near to Tanjung Pelepas port, so, we could see many cargo ships in the horizon. We had rice, some crabs, some prawns and a siakap (yeah, all of them are seafood). Here are some of the pictures we took at the restaurant:

Sick "Welcome" from Khairul. Hey, Khairul, cheer up. What was with that long face?? Hehe...

As you can see, the things that I've circled were baby crabs. They had a pair of pincers, one was small and the other was larger than the other one. Not that the difference was small, but it was obvious, you know. Miraculous, huh?

A look in the horizon. Beautiful, isn't it?

Here is our victim. Hehehe... you're going to die Krabby!!! Hahaha!!!

Here's a look of the surroundings of the restaurant. There is no beach, just some swamp, I think it's fresh water swamp (paya air tawar). When I think again.... entahlah.... I forgot liao.... :p

Our Mr Jay!!!

One more for the album!!! They are (from left) Iskandar (me), Mr Jay!!! and Khairul.

After bloating ourselves at the restaurant, we went to Puteri Harbour. In case you don't know what the heck is Puteri Harbour, it is located in Nusajaya, near to Kota Iskandar (yeah, my Kota... wooohooo!!!). So, what is so special about Puteri Harbour?? Puteri Harbour's development components comprise waterfront residential (prime waterfront properties), commercial development (offices and retail shops), FAME (Food & beverage outlets, Arts, Music and Entertainment), transportation hub (water transport terminal for water taxis and ferry, bus terminal, tram and LRT station), a marina (berthing, chandlery and accommodation facilities for boaters, yachters, boat/yacht charter owners/operators and water sports owners/operators) and a Cultural Park initiated and owned by the Johor State Government (Ok, this whole sentence, I copied it from the Nusajaya website, because I have no idea what Puteri Harbour is all about actually. When I say "no idea", I mean ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA!!!).

Now, what I do understand about Puteri Harbour is that it is a luxurious place for the rich people. But we are not rich. So, you must be wondering how did we manage to get in, right??? Actually, we just went there to perform the Asar prayer, we didn't really spend our time there like the rich people do. After praying, we took some photographs at the waterfront, but not in the waterfront, because we are not rich, remember? And the sad news is..... I didn't manage to take any photograph there because my handphone ran out of battery. So, sorry guys =(((. You have Ridzuan to blame because he watched too much of Bonamana video in my handphone. So, Ridzuan, tell us that you're sorry!!! Hehe, just kidding. But, Mr Jay did take some photographs using his camera. Unfortunately, I forgot to take them from him. Never mind, guys, maybe next time I will upload the photos...

Let me tell you one funny thing that happened when we were taking photographs. When we were standing on the bank (I don't really think it was a bank, but it looked like a bank. Aiya, it's so difficult explaining this thing to you. But never mind lah, let's just call it a bank. Not the bank where you keep your money, but it was like a river bank) of the waterfront, a woman who was one of the guards at the Puteri Harbour, said "Turun!!!". Then, she smiled as if she was thinking "Eh, aku marah orang lah, hahaha...". It was very funny, you know. I can't imagine what would it be like if Kalvinder was there. If you know him, then you would imagine that the woman would resign because she can't stand his fouled mouth. Maybe he would also be prohibited from entering Puteri Harbour again.... kahkahkah

After Puteri Harbour, we went to Danga City Mall. Another memorable thing happened when we were on our way there. Mr Jay just remembered that he left his handphone at Puteri Harbour. "Aaaaaa!!! Damn it, damn it!!! !@#$?%&*" Then, he quickly sped to Puteri Harbour. Vroooommm..... he drove like Michael Schumacher. Fortunately, he found his handphone at the very same place where he left it. Phew, thank God for that...

Then, we continued our journey to Danga City Mall to bowl. We only bowled one set because it was almost to 7 already. Even so, it was quite satisfying. Mr Jay won the game =(((. But never mind. We were celebrating him, so we should let him win, right? Otherwise, I would have won the game... hehehe, just kidding ^^. Then, we went to the surau in Danga City Mall to perform the Maghrib prayer.

After that, we went 'minum minum' at Banafee Village in the city. Khairul, Ridzuan and I only had some milkshake but Mr Jay had a roti canai. We shared the roti canai together. The place was high class, but there was nothing really special about the shake, I mean, it was just like ordinary shake. So, they have to change their slogan, which is "Makan Bintang Lima... Harga Kaki Lima", to "Makan Kaki Lima... Harga Bintang Lima"... hahaha. Ridzuan had another plan for us that night. He wanted to go to the movies. But, while we were 'minum minum'-ing, my father called me and asked me to go home quickly. It was only 8.30 at that time. Alamak, memang spoil betul lah!!! So, after that, we straight away went home... That's all folks...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

2010 MSSM

On the 21st of May, we went to Larkin Stadium to watch the closing ceremony of the 2010 MSSM. So, we watched people running, cheering for the home team, bla bla bla. En route to the stadium, ****** (the name has to be secret, of course. We don't want that person to be offended), who was one of us, danced to Sorry Sorry in the bus. What was wrong with *tuuut*??? Was *tuuut* *tuuuuut* or something??? Anyway, it was quite a boring event, so the JSLCs did not enjoy it as other people did. We think that even the VIPs did not enjoy it. We could see it from their face. Here are some pictures taken on that day :

Evil-looking Ridzuan. I wonder what picture was he taking. Maybe some sexy women or something. Look at Adrian, maybe he was curious about Ridzuan. The three cute girls are (from left) Peek Zhen, Yih Ru and Sim Yee. Hey Daniel, what were you looking at???

Puspa, what was up with your lips??? Hey Hamizi, what were you going to do with the girl (alamak, I forgot her name again).

Look at Benita, Hamizi, Jie Yi, Xue Lin and Ayeisha. They must have felt very boring. See, you can tell how boring the event was. Hey, wait, where was everybody??? Let me tell you, they went to the seats which were closer to the track so that they could get a better view at the runners. This was very weird, how could they enjoy the race?!?!?!

Here was a little something they have put up during the closing ceremony. It was a band performance by the, erhmmm, I think it was like Boys Brigade or something. Congrats to this team, you guys have put up a great show. I guess this was the best part at the closing ceremony (even though it was quite boring too).

After the band performance, it was the time for prize giving to the winners who haven't got their prize. Then it was the closing speech, by the, erhmmm, I don't know, I just didn't care. Then, it was the time to go home, adios amigos, sayonara and goodbye, mmmuaaahhh. We won't see you again next year, MSSM... haha ... (well at least we're just hoping)...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Teacher's Day Smk Skudai

Photos from Teachers Day On 17th May 2010

Teachers Pledge
Performance from Theater & Musical Club
Performance from Form5 SMK Skudai
JSLC Students
Performance from Form3 studentsPerformance from Chinese StudentsPerformance from girls Form4